Elevate your retail customer experience with EV charging

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Enhance your customers' loyalty with EV charging. Find out how in this comprehensive guide for retailers.

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Offer a great experience right from the parking lot

Equipping your retail store with EV charging services will have two major effects on your business:

  • Meet a high demand and, therefore, increase loyalty among your established clientele.
  • Attract a whole new clientele of EV drivers who will shop at your location while charging their batteries.

In both cases, you’ll be creating new revenue streams.

Build your EV charging business

Because your clientele is already driving or will soon be driving EVs, EV charging is a natural value-added service for retail stores.

EV charging is also a perfect fit for large parking area. For instance, retail chains like IKEA or LIDL are already installing EV charging stations at their store locations to foster customer loyalty and secure new sources of revenue. Join them and become a forerunner of e-mobility!

Over 33 million EVs are expected to roam through Europe in 2030

As the number of electric vehicles on our roads grows, so does the demand for charging solutions. In other words, EV charging is not a nice-to-have anymore; it is becoming the new norm, and it must be a part of any long-term retail investment plan.


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