The status of Electric transportation in 2016

1 min read
December 30, 2016 at 12:30 PM

Transportation industry is going through massive changes. Self-driving cars, Mobility-as-a-Service and the electrification of transportation are disrupting the whole industry. Thanks to these trends, the future looks a bit brighter and more sustainable.

Electric transportation is here to stay

The rise of electric vehicles is one of the biggest forces disrupting transportation and this does not only concern transportation but energy industry as well. The usage of electric vehicles with bigger batteries can increase the flexibility of the whole energy system, which is becoming more crucial as the amount of renewable energy is rising. The seasonal variations in renewable energy challenge to develop ways to balance the system with energy storages and demand response.

During 2015 the number of electric vehicles doubled in the world. China tripled the amount of EVs and over half a million EVs were sold in the US. In Europe the countries with over 50 000 EVs include the Netherlands, France, Germany and Great Britain. The growth is not slowing down; it is the opposite - we're just getting started. Electric transportation is here to stay. 

The year 2016 for Virta

This year has been remarkable for Virta and our growth has been rapid. Our team size has tripled. In the end of the year we operate in 6 countries including France, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, Sweden and Iceland. We opened an office in Germany and in the beginning of next year we are opening up operations in new countries. Our charging network consists of almost 1000 charging points and more deals have already been closed.

The year 2016 is coming to an end and it's time to set our eyes on the next year. The future looks promising: We're continuing our global growth and accelerating the growth of electric transportation with our partners. Together we're speeding up the development of electric transportation and working hard towards a cleaner future.

With these words, the whole team at Virta wishes you a sustainable, forward-looking and successful New Year!